5 reasons to consider VoIP for your
business telephone system

VoIP for your business

VoIP, which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol is fast becoming the go-to telephony solution for business globally. Why are VoIP systems so popular? Here are 5 reasons why you should consider VoIP for your business:

1. Internet-based call costs are cheaper

Traditionally, telephony was dependent on copper phone lines and big companies or SOEs often had the monopoly on this infrastructure. It was also expensive to lay and maintain copper lines.

A VoIP business telephone system uses broadband internet to replace the copper phone line system. This has opened up VoIP to more ISPs (internet service providers) while also lowering cost-to-provider, the end result being that you get cheaper call costs (for domestic as well as international calls) as providers compete to offer the lowest call rates.

2. VoIP solutions offer greater reliability

Copper cable theft, poor line quality and other issues make copper line phone systems hit and miss. By comparison, internet-based business telephone systems use existing fibre internet connections that are more reliable. Uninterrupted uptime is crucial for building a trusted business and brand.

3. No fixed line, no limit

One of the challenges businesses faced with fixed lines was that the number of simultaneous outgoing or incoming calls possible was limited by the number of lines free. VoIP removes the limitations of a fixed line by using internet packets to transmit voice calls. In lay terms, without a fixed line, your business telephony has fewer limits, allowing more efficient and flexible communication.

4. Call forwarding is simpler and more flexible

When you have a fixed line, if you miss an important call, that’s it (aside from having an answering service to catch unanswered calls).

VoIP provides many more ways to handle call forwarding so that the right person can pick up incoming calls at the right time. You could, for example, have the first few rings on specific lines go straight to your office, then reroute to reception should you be unavailable at any moment.

5. Conference call features are built in

Before VoIP solutions, many businesses were required to pay extra for teleconferencing features that enabled multiple call participants on the same line. The advantage of a converged data network for calls (instead of fixed lines) is that you can add multiple participants to a single call using a VoIP business telephone system, at no extra cost.