Cloud Service

Taking Care of your Systems, So They Take Care of Business


Cloud computing is a relatively new technology that allows the rental of computing power for a monthly fee. Cloud computing removes the need to own and host your own computer equipment and places the equipment in a data centre.

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Cloud Services

Why Cloud Computing for my Business?

Scalability and cost; both these concepts are critical to business functionality, when business grows, we need to upscale and grow to keep up, similarly, when business slows down and fewer resources are required, we are able to downscale our computing needs to match required budgets.

Cloud computing allows businesses to rent computing power without the outlay of Capex cost to the business reducing financial outlay and keeping the accountants happy.

Load shedding, theft, rising electricity prices and reduced cost of computing are all reasons why organisations chose to migrate to the cloud.

Our team can help determine whether your business would benefit from cloud computing technology.

Cloud Services

Benefits of Cloud

Cloud Service

Increased reliability.

Cloud Service Increased performance

Increased performance.

Cloud Service Reduced cost on Capex

Reduced cost on Capex.

Cloud Service

Increased speed on workloads.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are cloud solutions?

Cloud solutions refer to the use of remote servers, accessed over the internet, to store, manage, and process data. This can include data storage, data backup and recovery, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions.

How would a cloud solution benefit my business?

Cloud solutions offer business the benefits of cost savings by renting computing capacity instead of buying it outright. Rental of hardware located in another cloud location coupled with load-shedding also ensures that added power redundant equipment such as inverters and untinerupted power supply equipment is not needed to be purchased and maintained.

By storing data in the cloud securely reduces the risk of hardware crashing as a result of unstable power supply from load-shedding. Cloud servers have dedicated power systems to ensure guarenteed uptime on services.

Can cloud solutions be customized to fit a business's specific needs?

Yes, cloud solutions can be customized to fit a business’s specific needs. Managed IT service providers such as Ativo ICT can work with businesses to understand their needs and design a cloud solution that is tailored to their business.

What type of data and applications can be stored in the cloud?

A dedicated cloud server can be configured to store many types of data including documents, images, videos and customer information.

Depending on application, dedicated servers can be configured to run private applications such as financial applications for an organisation; applications such as SysPro, Sage Pastel or Evolution, Quickbooks, or any ERP or CRM type based application running either on Windows or Linux.